Community Capacity

Goal: Empower Colorado communities to improve local resilience, equity, and capacity.

Strategy 1: Integrate equity into resilience planning & actions.

What this looks like: Build partnerships to integrate equity into State and local resiliency activities through equitable representation, language justice, and community co-production. Partner with community trusted organizations who focus on engaging BIPOC communities to assess systemic issues and identify interventions.

Strategy 2: Develop and deploy community engagement and civic capacity tools.Skateboarder on a skateboard ramp at a skateboard park.

What this looks like: Strengthen community connections and civic capacity by providing community engagement tools, resources, and training. Emphasize the importance of building community trust through engagement activities.

Strategy 3: Strengthen local resilience planning and peer networks.

What this looks like: Complete local and regional resiliency assessments and promote integrated planning efforts that lead to more resilient infrastructure, economies, and social systems while creating a culture of resilience. Create regional resiliency peer learning and exchange opportunities and ensure that regional plans and actions are grounded in community-driven values, needs, and recommendations.

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