2024 Annual Progress Report
About this Report
This report highlights progress made across six priority action areas in the 2020 Colorado Resiliency Framework, which is the State of Colorado’s guiding strategic plan to better anticipate, respond to, and recover from disruptions that can impact our communities. The Colorado Resiliency Framework is updated every five years and will be updated in 2025.
Background on the Colorado Resiliency Framework
In 2015, Colorado released the Colorado Resiliency Framework (Framework), a first-of-its-kind in the nation. The Framework prioritized institutionalizing resiliency principles and outlined strategies for strengthening our state against future disruptions. The 2015 document followed the devastating 2012 and 2013 floods and wildfires, and heavily emphasized long-term recovery efforts. The Framework was updated in 2020 in the midst of challenges associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic, broadening priority actions beyond long-term recovery.
The Framework is grounded in a holistic approach, identifying and addressing emerging challenges and new opportunities for Colorado across six key community sectors: Community, Economy, Health and Social, Housing, Infrastructure, and Watersheds and Natural Resources.
Colorado Resiliency Framework Vision: Colorado creatively implements forward-thinking solutions that are sustainable and resilient to changing conditions and result in strong, equitable communities that can adapt to and thrive in the face of adversity.
DOLA’s Role in Community-Led Resilience
The Colorado Resiliency Office (CRO) is positioned within the Department of Local Affairs' Division of Local Government (DOLA-DLG). This Division provides strategic and technical expertise, advocacy, and funding to strengthen Colorado communities. The CRO facilitates State agency partners to institutionalize resiliency into State plans and operations, and provides technical assistance to local governments per the Colorado Revised Statute 24-32-122.
The Colorado Resiliency Working Group (CRWG)
While the CRO helps facilitate and lead the development and implementation of the Framework, the overall stewardship of the plan is the responsibility of Colorado Resiliency Working Group (CRWG). The CRWG works together across agencies to integrate and institutionalize resiliency goals and strategies to strengthen our state against current hazards, changing conditions, and future disruptions.
2024 Progress
As we near the end of the five-year cycle of the 2020 Framework, we are proud to share the progress the CRO and our State partners have made in 2024.
Overarching Strategies
While there are six specific Priority Implementation Areas identified in the Framework, there are two overarching strategies that span across all six areas, identified as being core to the success of the CRWG in general:
Overarching Strategy One: Establish a Statewide Resilient and Sustainable Community/Regional Program.
This strategy aims to facilitate coordination across jurisdictions on resiliency and sustainability issues. Additionally this strategy aims to develop and manage a program that guides communities to take concrete steps to improve their resilience and sustainability performance. The CRO, alongside State agencies, is implementing this strategy through the Resilient Colorado Communities Program and facilitation of resiliency integration through the CRWG.
Overarching Strategy Two: Attract and Leverage Funding Opportunities.
A continual goal is to identify flexible funding opportunities to pursue and implement resilient projects at the state and local level. To ensure that we are stewarding public funds to be used for projects that will withstand changes of the future, this strategy includes integration of resiliency criteria into State competitive grant programs and investments.
Priority Implementation Areas
Navigate to each of the Priority Implementation Areas to learn more about specific activities and Framework implementation progress in the past year.
Agriculture & Food Security Buildings & Infrastructure Sustainability Climate & Natural Hazards
Community Capacity Future-Ready Workforce & Economy Housing Attainability
Questions about this Report?
Contact Shayle Sabo, Resiliency Program Manager, Colorado Resiliency Office