Agriculture & Food Security

Resilient and robust food systems are rooted in agriculture, however access to food also requires integration across sectors, including conservation, soil health, public health, and natural resources. Agriculture is a long-standing industry, however it is not immune to impacts of pressures from urbanization, water access, and climate change. The strategies outlined in this Priority Implementation Area seek to strengthen Colorado’s agricultural sector by encouraging regenerative practices and soil health, improving workforce opportunities in this industry, and increasing access to local and healthy food.

Learn More About the Colorado Resiliency Framework

Tractor Seeding Between Solar Panels

Agriculture & Food Security Strategies

Strategy 1: Promote and protect working lands.

Strategy 2: Advance regenerative farming practices. 

Strategy 3: Support innovations and new markets. 

Strategy 4: Bolster next-generation farm and agriculture workers. 

Strategy 5: Integrate food and agriculture in local planning. 

Connecting Agriculture, Food Systems, and Public Health

In addition to strengthening agriculture, improving access to healthy and nutritious food is key to food security. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) oversees the Cancer, Cardiovascular, and Pulmonary Disease Grant Program which per Amendment 35, is funded with revenue generated from an increase in the tobacco product excise tax. 

For the 2024-2026 cycle, projects funded under this program include local, municipal, or regional level initiatives to increase access to and consumption of healthy foods and beverages by addressing food production, processing, distribution, and access. There are currently three grantees of this program implementing exciting projects focused on this strategy: 

  • Public Health Institute at Denver Health implementing Healthy Beverage Choices for All in Denver, Jefferson, Boulder, Adams, Arapahoe, Garfield, and Pueblo Counties.
  • Denver Department of Public Health and Environment is implementing their Food in Communities program by strengthening partnerships and policies for a community-led, sustainable, and just food system along with the following partners:
    • Food Justice NW Aurora is focusing on the following:
      • Supporting small markets to offer more fresh and staple foods at affordable prices;
      • Making use of vacant and underused land for urban agriculture. This will enable the community to fully benefit from zoning and city codes that allow small-scale food production in all parts of the city; and
      • Expanding multilingual and multicultural education that builds community knowledge and engagement in the local food system.
    • Jefferson County Public Health will conduct additional research and advance policy, systems, and environment (PSE) change for two data-informed and community-identified priorities:
      • Land access for agriculture
      • True collaboration and coordination in the Jefferson County food system
    • San Luis Valley Local Foods Coalition is implementing Reducing Chronic Disease in the San Luis Valley through their Regional Food Systems program.

  • HB24-1416 created the Healthy Food Incentives Program, which funds a statewide nonprofit organization to increase access and provide healthy eating incentives for Colorado’s low-income populations.
  • HB24-1407 created the Community Food Assistance Provider Grant Program. This act appropriates $3M to this program to provide grants to procure and distribute nutritious foods that meet the needs of eligible communities.
  • “Tax Credit Agricultural Stewardship Practices” (HB24-1249) established a state income tax credit for active qualified stewardship practices on a farm or ranch. This law will encourage stewardship practices that benefit the environment including activities that improve soil health or enhance water efficiency and conservation. 
  • “Agricultural and Rural Behavioral Health Care” (SB24-055) passed, after seeing continued need demonstrated by the Rural Mental Health program in the Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) to provide support to agricultural producers. This new legislation creates an agricultural and rural community behavioral health program within the Behavioral Health Administration, and also establishes a liaison to work with CDA, behavioral health-care providers, rural community leaders, agricultural communities, and nonprofit organizations. 

  • CDA hired a new position, Agricultural Water Advisor, that will engage Colorado producers on water issues that impact agriculture. 
  • Building on the momentum of the last few years, Colorado continues to expand the Colorado Soil Health Program (Previously STAR Plus) implementation. The program encourages agricultural producers to use practices that restore soil health, which helps with water retention, long-term agricultural production, and carbon sequestration. 
  • Colorado continues to work on implementation of the Strategic Plan for Climate-Smart Natural and Working Lands, a collaborative effort by CDA, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the Colorado State Forest Service (CSFS), and the Colorado Natural Heritage Program, released in 2023. Every two years the plan will be reviewed and updated. 
  • Progress was made to support implementation of agrivoltaics (the practice of using the same land for both agriculture and solar energy production) and development of community solar gardens. CDA is in the process of conducting outreach to better identify barriers to development, which could help achieve the goal of 100% renewable energy on the grid by 2050.

  • CDA continued to build out holistic disaster programming that supports all phases of agricultural disaster management including preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation.
  • Agricultural goals will also be addressed in the development of the Carbon Management Roadmap, spearheaded by the Colorado Energy Office. 
  • CDA successfully funded another six projects as part of their Agrivoltaics Research and Demonstration Grant. These projects stack farming and energy production, supporting agriculture and increasing renewable energy development.

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