Housing Attainability

Goal: Increase the supply of attainable housing throughout Colorado, including affordable housing options for workforce populations and those who most experience marginalization.

Strategy 1: Build local capacity for developing resilient affordable housing.

What this looks like: Create a toolbox of resources that builds in long-term affordability and resilient design for housing in Colorado, and that empowers local communities to meet their unique housing needs and increase the number of attainable housing units. Ensure that available resources include a spectrum of housing-related actions and opportunities for housing stability, supply, resiliency standards, and model policies.Two mean on top of the framework of a new house construction.

Strategy 2: Support affordable housing siting and development.

What this looks like: Address the critical shortage of housing supply by providing critical data and resources needed to support the siting and development of affordable and attainable housing throughout the state.

Strategy 3: Increase housing stability.

What this looks like: Ensure Coloradans can remain in their homes and the affordable housing stock is maintained, particularly during disruptive events such as natural disasters and economic disruption, by minimizing evictions and foreclosures and ensuring homes are fortified to withstand disasters. Address barriers to homeownership and housing for people experiencing homelessness.

Strategy 4: Expand residential efficiency & weatherization.

What this looks like: Increase access to residential weatherization programs to provide multiple benefits including lowered energy costs, conservation of water, natural gas, and electricity, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Promote and adopt standards that result in new residential construction that is highly energy-efficient, including provisions for net-zero and resilient design features.

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